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New York City Wills, 1771-76
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U.S. Census.
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Page 261.--In the name of God, Amen. I, MARY PELL, of the Manor of Pelham, in Westchester County, widow, being of sound disposing mind. I direct all debts to be paid. I leave to my son, Caleb Pell, my Great Bible. "I leave to my son James one good feather bed and bedding thereunto belonging, which he now lodges in." I leave to my son Elijah one good feather bed, and a negro boy, if my son lives to be 21. "The reson I give my sons no more by this will is they having received the rest of their portion already." I leave to my daughter, Ann Van Kleeck, "the use of 6 large Table silver spoons, to be bought with my money of œ8 value, so long as she lives, and then to her daughter, Mary Lawrence." I leave to my daughter, Mercy Rodman, the same number of spoons for life, and then to her daughter Charlotte. I leave to my daughter, Bathsheba Pell, 6 large silver Table spoons that I have marked C. P. M., and œ10, and a Damask Table cloth. I leave to my daughter, Euphemia Pell, my silver Tankard marked C. M. P. during her life. If she leave issue she may give it to whom she pleases, but if not, then to my daughters, Bathsheba and Philena. I also give to my daughter Euphemia a pair of brass candle sticks. I leave to my daughter Helena my Silver Pint Mugg marked T. P. A. and 6 silver tea spoons, one pair of sugar tongs marked M. P., and one Mahogany Tea table, and œ10, and a feather bed and furniture. I leave to my granddaughter, Mary Pell, daughter of my son Caleb, one pair of gold sleeve buttons of 40 shillings price, to be bought for her with my money, and my silver shoe buckles. I leave to my grandson, Caleb Haviland, one pair of gold sleeve buttons, 40 shillings price, My negro man, Dick, is to be sold, and may choose his master. The money to be paid to my three daughters, Bathsheba, Euphemia, and Helena, and I leave them the rest of my estate. I make my brothers, James Ferris and John Ferris, executors.

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