Subj: Second Letter from Will Harrison
Date: 10/10/99 1:42:34 PM Eastern Daylight Time
To:,, ABorner, EVED
To:, Dasaborner
To: 73443.2432@COMPUSERVE.COM
To:, SuziB77163, Andyborner

(letterhead - embossed)
The U.S. Christian Commission
sends this as the soldier's messenger to his home.
Let it hasten to those who wait for tidings.

"Fight the good fight of faith."

April 10, 1865

Dear Sister,
Here I am. I hardly know where. but within five or six miles I believe of Appomattox C.H.
We have had a very hard weeks work in pursuing Lee, he has done all he could to shake us off. but Grant is a bloodhound. Once on the track there is no such thing as shaking off -

The result is that yesterday, the wonderful Lee, the man that could not be beat, who would fight xxxx army to the last man - dashed surrendered the army of Virginia to Gen' Grant and he showed his sense in doing so for if he had risked a general engagement, his army would have been annilalated.

On the seventh at Farmersville, our Brigade had its last fight. Our General (Lanythe)? was very dangerously wounded. I hope it is the last time we will dash at a rebel battery.

There was great rejoicing when the glad tidings reached us. General Meade rode through the lines waving his cap. the boys shouted themselves hoarse and tossed their caps in the air,- the artillery fired a salute. all the bands were in full blast- and for the moment men forgot their sore feet and weary limbs and smiles were upon every face.

I think the rebellion is virtually over. Sherman can finish Johnston without our aid and the small fry can soon be disposed of.

The south has paid dearly for her mad presumtion (sic). Her treasures exhausted, her lands desolated, the flower of her pop?-ulation lying mouldering in the dust. and now she must go back to where she started from. minus men, money, reputation. Virginia is a desolation.

I wrote to you as soon as the fight at Hatcher's Run was over. It is doubtful that you received it. Everything has been sacrificed to time. Time was everything. The result is before you -

What will be done next I can't tell or where we will go I supposed there will be great rejoicings in the north and why should there not. I ?? ?? ?? there to help them. I forgot to write Susie to save the Heralds for me from the first of April to date. I wish you would - or if you go to the city tell her to do it and forward them to me.

We have had no papers for a long time and I don't know what has been going on in other parts.

With the exception of some raw heels I am well. Remember me to Mr. and Mrs. Austin and friends.

Your affectionate brother.
(Will Harrison)