I'm reading Tyler Anbinder's 2001 book on Five Points, searching for information on Five Points House of Industry. Thanks to Tom Berner for the lead. I seem to have struck gold with regard to the neighborhood known as Five Points, and indeed, have read quite a bit about the House of Industry itself. I've taken some notes and have copied them to this email and have also attached the word document upon which I've taken notes.Consider this the first installment. Enjoy. Borner Family History Two Borner Boys at Five Points House of Industry 1900 What makes it more interesting is that Daddy Frank's ancestors included a family called the Delaplaines who had extensive real estate holdings around New York, including the Lower East Side. Their house in 1808 was at 136 Bowery (I can't figure out if the current structure at that site is the same house or built shortly thereafter). Wouldn't it be funny if the House of Industry was built on Delaplaine land? How's that for tying two sides of the family together? It worked that way with the Berners: Dad's first ancestors in the Colonies moved to New Rochelle for a few years before moving West. At that time, New Rochelle was part of the Pell holdings and the Pells, of course, were also ancestors of Daddy Frank. Tom