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New York City Wills, 1766-71
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U.S. Census.
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Page 259.--In the name of God, Amen. I, CALEBPELL, of the Manor of Pelham, farmer, being indisposed. I leave to my son, CalebPell, all that my farm and plantation of lands and salt meadows lying in East Chester town ship, and formerly belonging to my father, Thomas Pell, and where my son Caleb now lives, with all appurtenances, Reserving all the lands that lye to the west of the fence, that runs across the said farm, from the Boston road to the land now, or late, of Jonathan Archer, the use of which I give to my son, James Pell, for the space of one year, and then to my son Caleb, on condition that he pay to my executors œ125, when my younger son Elijah is 18 years old, for his use. I also give to my son Caleb a negro boy and my silver watch, "and my large China Punch Bowl." I leave to my wife Mary a negro boy and woman and child, "also my stocks of Bees and all my Poultry," and all the wool that shall be sheared off my sheep this year, also my two best beds with furniture, and a mahogany tea table, and one dozen best chairs, and all linnen and kitchen utensils, and my silver plate, Looking glass, and China. I leave to my daughter, Ann Laurence, a negro girl, and a Mahogany Chest of Drawers, and a dining table and a tea table to be made for her. I leave to my daughter, Mary Rodman, a negro girl. To my daughter Bathsheba a bed and furniture; To my daughters, Euphemia and Fila [Phila], each a bed; To my son Elijah my large chest; To my wife Mary my riding chair and horse. I leave to my son James all that my farm or Plantation lands and meadows, lying in the Manor of Pelham, where I now live, and the rest of my movable estate, and he is to pay all debts, and he is to pay to my wife œ150, and he is to furnish my wife 12 good cows and sheep, and he is to provide for my daughter Phila till married. And he is to provide for my wife 30 bushels of wheat, 50 of corn, 25 pounds of "good swingled flax," a number of swine, "and cyder for herself, children, and servants that shall live with her." And she is to have the use of the west great room in my house, and two bedrooms, and chamber and garret, and use of kitchen, "and the shed where the cheese press stands." And the use of the hen house, mill house, Barracks, and Smoke house, and provision for the unmarried daughters, and he is to pay to each of my daughters œ100, and to my son Elijah œ500 when of age, and he is to be supported till of age. And my son James is to pay for his schooling, "and give him learning, as reading, writing and common Arithmetick, Navigation, Surveying, and bookkeeping." "In case it will suit my son Elijah to go to a Latin School, and my executors think fit to let him learn Latin, they may let him go." And my son James is to pay for his learning till he is 16, and then bind him out to a merchant. My son James is to give a bond for the performance of all these conditions. My wife is to have the use of the rest of my estate during her widowhood. My executors are to sell 5 negroes and my riding horse, and the money to be paid to my son James to help him pay legacies. I leave to my son James all my rights and improvements which I have in Phillips Upper Patent.

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